
Prijavi se na kameratska obvestila

* indicates required


FIAP Patronage number: 2024/285

FZS Patronage number: 7/2024

As part of the fourth Kamerat labour film festival (June 27 - June 30, 2024), we are pleased to announce the third annual photography tender which will, for the second time, be open internationally. The photos should once again relate to the subject matter of labour, i.e. work, workers, workers’ rights, industrial architecture (factories, warehouses...), industrial landscape, machines, tools, etc.

Category A: Labour - Coloured
Category B: Labour - Black and white

Javni zavod za kulturo, šport, mladino in turizem Hrastnik
Log 3, 1430 Hrastnik, Slovenia



The submitted works will be evaluated by a three-member jury:

Jury President

Vinko Šebrek, AFIAP, ESFIAP, member of Brežice Photo Club and Zagreb Photo Club, Croatia

Jury Members

Tomaž Lanišek, MF FZS, EFIAP/g, FZS president, member of Anton Ažbe Photo Club, Slovenia

Matjaž Čater, MF FZS, MFIAP, member of the Artistic Council of FZS, member of the Association of Photographers SVIT, Slovenia

Alternate jury member:

Simon Tanšek, F1 FZS, member of the Hrastnik Photo Club, director of film photography and associate professor of film and television photography at the AGRFT Academy in Ljubljana, member of the European Film Academy EFA, Slovenia

Administrative Assistant:

Armand Meterc, member of the Hrastnik Photo Club

We reserve the right to change the jury members in case of unforeseen schedule discrepancy or in the event of force majeure. Appeal against the composition of the jury is not admissible.

Salon schedule:

End of submitting date: May 10, 2024
Jury's evaluation: until May 25, 2024
Announcement of jury results: June 5, 2024
Opening of the exhibition and awarding of prizes: June 29, 2024
Sending PDF catalogues: August 31, 2024

Salon categories:

Category A: Labour – Colour
A maximum of 4 colour photos per author should be submitted

Category B: Labour – Black and white
A maximum of 4 black and white photos per author should be submitted

Fee, registration and photo submission: The fee for participation in the salon is €15 for each concept (A or/and B). Thus, the participant is ensured to receive a digital PDF catalogue.

The fee should be transferred to the organiser's account with reference "Kamerat International Photography Salon" either:

- via bank transfer to:
Javni zavod za kulturo, šport, mladino in turizem Hrastnik, Log 3, 1430 Hrastnik, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56 0123 4603 0357 367

- or via PayPal.


Failure to pay the fee will automatically result in excluding the submitted works from the Kamerat International Photography Salon 2024.

Registration form:


Photo upload:


Entry into the tender is conditioned by a correctly and completely filled-in application form. The application should be submitted separately for each individual participant. The authors/participants are responsible for owning a copy right of the submitted work. When applying, please confirm in the online application form, that you comply with the FIAP requirements in relation to the copy right regulations by clicking the box next to:

I declare that I am familiar with and agree with the contents of document FIAP 018/2017 "Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage" and document FIAP 033/2021 "Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list". In particular, Chapter II in document FIAP 018/2017, where points II.2 and II.3 refer to violations and registration on the list of violators (Red list).

The organizers of the competition do not assume any responsibility for the infringement of the copyrights of third parties.

All the collected data will only be used to inform the public about the exhibition.

Photograph submission standards:

The tender is open internationally to amateur and professional photographers.

Please note that only photographs created with the help of photographic equipment are accepted. Photographs created with the assistance of artificial intelligence programs are not allowed and will be removed from the competition as such.

Digital photos are to be sent in JPG format in the RGB colour space. The resolution of the photos should be 300 dpi. The longer edge should measure no more than 1920 pixels. File size must not exceed 3 MB.

Photographs should not contain any additional artificial borders, watermarks or author's signature.

Each submitted work is required to be labelled with the last name and first name of the author as well as the title of the work in English. Example: last name_first name_photo_title. The photo must have its own unique title. Titles such as “No title”, “IMG_...”, “B01” and similar do not count as credible.

File names should only contain letters of the English alphabet.

The photo tags on the online application form must match the photo tags in the file names.

The winning photos will be printed and exhibited. Should larger files of photographs be needed for the purposes of the exhibition, you will be contacted by the organizer in due course. Submitted photographs that do not meet the standards of the tender will be disqualified. Photos admitted to the previous Kamerat International Photography Salon will not be accepted.

Prizes, screening, and exhibition details:

The jury will review and evaluate the submitted works. The best works will be printed and exhibited. Each participant can only win one prize in each topic. The final event with the screening of accepted works and the opening of the exhibition of the best works will take place as part of the Kamerat Labour Film Festival between June 27th and June 30th 2024 in Hrastnik.

The following prizes of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS) will be awarded in each of the two categories:

  • FIAP gold medal and a financial award in the amount of EUR 150
  • FZS gold medal and a financial award in the amount of EUR 150
  • FIAP silver medal and a financial award in the amount of EUR 100
  • FZS silver medal and a financial award in the amount of EUR 100
  • FIAP bronze medal and a financial award in the amount of EUR 50
  • FZS bronze medal and a financial award in the amount of EUR 50
  • Six FIAP Blue Ribbons in each of the two categories

In each of the two categories, three FZS diplomas and three Hrastnik Photo Club diplomas will be awarded. The winner of the best photograph at the salon will be awarded a FIAP Blue Badge.

Final provisions:

By submitting their works, the authors agree with the tendered conditions, as well as allowing their data be used to inform and advertise the exhibit to the public. The organizers reserve the right to publish the submitted works for non-commercial purposes (for promotion of the exhibit and the Labour Film Festival Kamerat) in printed and digital media as well as social media without prior permission and financial compensation to the author. Every participant will receive notification of results via the e-mail address provided at registration. Simultaneously, the result will also be posted on the organizers' web pages. An electronic catalogue will be published alongside the exhibition, which will include all, admitted and award-winning, works as well as the exhibition’s information. Help and information: info@krc-hrastnik.si


FIAP številka pokroviteljstva: 2024/285

FZS številka pokroviteljstva: 7/2024

V sklopu četrtega festivala delavskega filma Kamerat (27.6. - 30. junij 2024) bo že tretjič potekal tudi fotografski natečaj, že drugič bo natečaj mednarodni. Fotografije naj se tudi tokrat nanašajo na temo DELAVSTVO, ki obsega delo, delavce, delavske pravice, industrijsko arhitekturo (tovarne, skladišča...), industrijsko pokrajino, stroje, orodja...

Tema A: Delavstvo - Barvna
Tema B: Delavstvo - Črno bela

Javni zavod za kulturo, šport, mladino in turizem Hrastnik
Log 3, 1430 Hrastnik, Slovenia



Prispela dela bo ocenila tričlanska žirija v sestavi::

Vinko Šebrek, AFIAP, ESFIAP, član Fotokluba Brežice in Foto kluba Zagreb, Hrvaška

Tomaž Lanišek, MF FZS, EFIAP/g, FZS predsednik FZS, član Foto kluba Anton Ažbe, Škofja Loka, Slovenija

Matjaž Čater, MF FZS, MFIAP, član Umeniškega sveta FZS, član Društva fotografov SVIT Celje, Slovenija

Rezervni član žirije:

Simon Tanšek, F1 FZS, član Foto kluba Hrastnik, direktor filmske fotografije in izredni profesor filmske in televizijske slike na Akademiji AGRFT v Ljubljani, član Evropske filmske akademije EFA, Slovenija

Tajnik žirije::

Armand Meterc, član Foto kluba Hrastnik

Pridržujemo si pravice do spremembe žirije v primeru zadržanosti katerega izmed članov. Na izbor žirije se ni možno pritožiti.

Koledar razstave:

Sprejem del do vključno 10. maja 2024
Žiriranje do 25. maja 2024
Obvestilo o rezultatih žiriranja do 5. junija 2024
Projekcija sprejetih del, odprtje razstave najboljših del ter podelitev nagrad: “Festival delavskega filma Kamerat”, 29. junij 2024, Hrastnik, Slovenija
pošiljanje PDF katalogov do 31. avgusta 2024

Vabimo k sodelovanju na mednarodnem fotografskem natečaju, ki je v skladu s pravili Mednarodne zveze za fotografsko umetnost (FIAP) in Fotografske zveze Slovenije (FZS). Na razstavi lahko sodelujejo fotografi vsega sveta.

Natečaj ima dve temi:

En avtor lahko sodeluje z največ 4 barvnimi fotografijami na temo A Delavstvo – Barvna.

En avtor lahko sodeluje z največ 4 črno belimi fotografijami na temo A Delavstvo – Črno bela.

Pristojbina, prijava in pošiljanje fotografij: Pristojbina za udeležbo na razstavi znaša 15€ za posamezno temo. S tem si udeleženec zagotovi prejem digitalnega PDF kataloga. Pristojbino nakažite na račun organizatorja s pripisom »Foto natečaj DELAVSTVO«

- preko bančnega nakazila:
Javni zavod za kulturo, šport, mladino in turizem Hrastnik, Log 3, 1430 Hrastnik, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56 0123 4603 0357 367

- ali preko PayPal.


Fotografije, za katere ne bo plačana kotizacija, ne bodo žirirane.

Prijavnico izpolnite s pomočjo spletnega obrazca:


Fotografije naložite na server preko:


Pravilno in popolno izpolnjena prijavnica je pogoj, da bodo fotografije upoštevane pri žiriranju. Prijava se odda za vsakega udeleženca posebej. V spletno prijavnico je potrebno vnesti vse zahtevane podatke.

Fotografije morajo biti v celoti avtorsko delo sodelujočega, za kar ta tudi prevzema vso odgovornost. Da avtor v zvezi s pravili v celoti sledi zahtevam FIAP ob prijavi k sodelovanju na spletni prijavnici potrdi z klikom na kvadratek ob katerem se nahaja tekst:

Izjavljam, da sem seznanjen in se strinjam z vsebino dokumenta FIAP 018/2017 »Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage« in dokumenta FIAP 033/2021 »Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list«. Zlasti poglavja II v dokumentu FIAP 018/2017, kjer se točki II.2 in II.3 nanašata na kršitve in vpis na seznam kršiteljev (Red list).

Organizatorji natečaja ne prevzemajo nobene odgovornosti za kršenje avtorskih pravic tretjih oseb.

Vsi podatki se bodo uporabljali zgolj za obveščanje o razstavi.

Tehnične zahteve za pripravo datotek:

Na fotografskem natečaju lahko sodelujejo ljubiteljski in poklicni fotografi vsega sveta.

Na razpis se sprejemajo samo fotografije ustvarjene s pomočjo fotografske opreme. Kreacije, ustvarjene s pomočjo programov umetne inteligence niso dovoljene.

Za razstavo se pošilja digitalne fotografije v JPG formatu v RGB barvnem prostoru. Ločljivost fotografij naj bo 300 dpi. Daljša stranica naj meri največ 1920 pikslov. Velikost datoteke ne sme presegati 3 MB.

Fotografije morajo biti brez dodatnih umetnih obrob, brez vodnega žiga in brez podpisa avtorja.

Vsako delo mora biti označeno s priimkom in imenom avtorja ter naslovom dela v angleščini. Primer: priimek_ime_naslov_dela. Fotografija mora imeti svoj unikatni naslov. “No title”, “IMG_...”, “B01” in podobno, ne šteje kot naslov!

V imenu datotek naj bodo izključno črke angleške abecede. Označitve fotografij na spletni prijavnici se morajo ujemati z označitvami fotografij v imenih datotek.

Nagrajene fotografije bodo natisnjene in razstavljene. Za morebitne potrebe razstave vas bomo kontaktirali za večje datoteke. Fotografije, ki ne bodo ustrezale razpisanim pogojem bodo izločene. Fotografije sprejete na prejšnji razstavi Delavstvo ne bodo žirirane.

Nagrade za najboljša dela, projekcija in razstava:

Žirija bo pregledala in ocenila prispela dela. Najboljša dela bodo natisnjena in razstavljena. Vsak udeleženec lahko v vsaki temi dobi samo eno nagrado. Sklepna prireditev s projekcijo sprejetih del in z odprtjem razstave najboljših del bo v sklopu Festivala delavskega filma Kamerat med 27. in 30. junijem 2024 v Hrastniku.

Podeljene bodo sledeče nagrade Mednarodne zveze za fotografsko umetnost (FIAP) in Fotografske zveze Slovenije (FZS):

  • Zlata medalja FIAP in finančna nagrada v višini 150 EUR
  • Zlata medalja FZS in finančna nagrada v višini 150 EUR
  • Srebrna medalja FIAP in finančna nagrada v višini 100 EUR
  • Srebrna medalja FZS in finančna nagrada v višini 100 EUR
  • Bronasta medalja FIAP in finančna nagrada v višini 50 EUR
  • Bronasta medalja FZS in finančna nagrada v višini 50 EUR
  • Šest častnih trakov FIAP v vsaki od dveh kategorij

V vsaki od dveh kategorij bodo podeljene tudi tri diplome FZS in tri diplome Foto kluba Hrastnik. Najboljši avtor na razstavi bo prejel modro značko FIAP.

Končne določbe:

namene obveščanja in objavljanja o razstavi. Prireditelji si pridržujemo pravico do objave del v nekomercialne namene (za promocijo razstave in Festivala delavskega filma Kamerat) v tiskanih in digitalnih medijih ter v socialnih omrežjih brez predhodnega dovoljenja ali plačila avtorju. Vsak avtor bo prejel obvestilo o rezultatih po mailu, ki ga je navedel ob prijavi, rezultati pa bodo objavljeni tudi na spletnih straneh organizatorjev. Ob razstavi bo izdan elektronski katalog, ki bo vseboval sprejeta in nagrajena dela ter podatke o razstavi.

Vse informacije in pomoč: info@krc-hrastnik.si

Vsi podatki se bodo uporabljali zgolj za obveščanje o razstavi.